Arrested for Drugs in Chicago?

Arrested? Contact Drug Attorney in Chicago

Josh Adams has successfully defended individuals charged with state and federal crimes in the Illinois area. Serious offenses, such as  drug-related charges fall well within the strengths and abilities of Josh as a criminal defense attorney.

How Do you Get Someone Out of Jail?

The key to getting someone out of jail usually involves paying bail. But before being released, a defendant must complete the booking process, a bureaucratic, often humiliating, procedure. Once that’s completed, the defendant can post bail according to a bail schedule and get released. Or, the defendant awaits arraignment (where the amount of bail can be changed by the judge) or attends a special hearing on setting bail.

In some instances, no bail is required (as explained below). Usually, however, a court will require payment of bail before release. Every defendant who is released must agree to return for scheduled trial and hearing dates, as well as to abide by certain conditions while awaiting trial. Defendants who have committed a capital crime or are considered a high flight risk may be denied bail—that is, these defendants will not be released after arrest and prior to trial. Federal and state laws differ as to when judges have the discretion not to grant bail.

Contact 60604 Chicago Drug Lawyer Joshua Adams if you have been charged with a drug related crime in the Chicago, Illinois area.

Contact a Chicago Criminal Defense DRUG Lawyer

53 W. Jackson Blvd. Suite 1515
Chicago, IL 60604

50 S Main St #200
Naperville, IL 60540

Phone:  312-566-9173
—>  Online Contact Form